The joy of discovering that joy exists, that it is in us, just like life, without conditions and, therefore, that no condition, even the worst, can kill it.
Jacques Lusseyran
durée 1h30
une exploration sans but dans la découverte de ce qui se présente dans l'instant, neuf à chaque fois
zoom et présentiel.
Visual artist ( site ) and passionate about tactile exploration, I approached different schools of yoga, the thirst for silence led me quite naturally to the tantric yoga of cashmere, yoga of not wanting, of not doing.
cashmere yoga
I will quote my teacher and friend
Eric Barret.
“This yoga brings us to welcome life as it presents itself without the belief that a different situation could bring us “happiness”.
Freedom from suffering is not about eliminating our problematic situations from everyday life, but about seeing them without comment."
Chamunda, 12th c., Central India